Show me the Money consists of three workshops: Money Managed, Money Borrowed, and Money Grows. Workshops are delivered in three, 60 or 90-minute presentations by FACTS staff and volunteers from the local business community. The Show me the Money workshops are hands-on, game based and delivered in high schools, churches and community-based organizations that serve teens. Our aim is to educate students on the basics of personal finance and to help students prepare for life beyond high school. We believe it is important to provide engaging, real-world experience to the students for an education they will never forget. While most workshops are scheduled during school hours and within the academic year, scheduling is flexible and opportunities are also available during evenings, weekends, and in the summer.
Money Managed
How to build and use a budget
Benefits of budgeting and saving early
Pay yourself first
Money Borrowed
What is credit?
How does it work?
Credit scores/reports- what how and why?
How to choose between credit card offers
How credit scores affect someone’s future
Money Grows
How money grows through investments??
The magic of compounding interest
Risks vs reward